Thursday, November 27, 2008

November 28, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Thanksgiving Vacation: We will have a holiday on Thursday, November 27, 2008, to celebrate American Thanksgiving.

Parent Cleaning Day: (11/29) We will be having a parent cleaning day at CCSI. Please make plans to be in attendance. We will be cleaning, organizing, and preparing for the Christmas program.(9 am to 12 noon)

E-Zone: Friday (11/28) We will be practicing outside for the Living Nativity. Please dress warmly.

A Living Nativity: CCSI will present “A Living Nativity” on December 5 & 6, 2008. This thirty minute outdoor play brings to life the birth of Jesus using passages from the Bible. This is a non-threatening way to introduce non-Christians to the story of Jesus, as well as, a wonderful time for Christians to remember his birth.

Also, we will be having a coffee house again this year. Guests will be able to buy coffee and cake and enjoy Christmas carols. It will be a great place to sit with guests and talk about why we celebrate Christmas. Please bring your friends. (This year we will also have an outside booth selling hot food and drinks.) (The proceeds from the Coffee House and outdoor booth will go to help Chaunchung Hope for Children Home in Bangladesh.)

There are extra flyers in the school office. Please feel free to take some for your friends and family.

Tennis Schedule: November 28. December 12& 19.

Tuesday Devotional Leader: (12/2)
Han Family

Upcoming Events
12/3 Iverson Family returns from USA.
12/5&6 Living Nativity
12/23-1/5 Christmas Break
1/10 Kakizome Taikai
1/20 School Board Meeting
CCSI ご家族の皆様


ペアレント クリーニング デー:(11/29) CCSI のペアレント クリーニング デーがあります。スケジュールを調整して、ぜひご参加下さい。よろしくお願いします。その日は、学校の清掃、整理整頓をし、クリスマスプログラムの準備をします。朝9時から12時までとなります。

E-Zone: 11/28の金曜日は、外で降誕劇の練習を行います。暖かい服装で登校してきて下さい。

A Living Nativity: 12月5、6日にCCSIで野外降誕劇をおこないます。この30分間にわたる降誕劇は、聖書にあるイエス・キリストの誕生を再現したものです。クリスチャンでない方々にお気軽にお越し頂き、キリストの誕生を知って頂く良い機会となり、また、クリスチャンの方々にもイエス様の誕生をもう一度覚える素晴らしい時となると思います。

今年もまたコーヒーハウスをおこないます。お越し頂いた方々には、コーヒーとケーキを片手にクリスマスキャロルを楽しんで頂けます。一緒に来られた方々とクリスマスのお祝いの意味を話すとても良い場所となると思います。ぜひお友達をお誘いの上お越し下さい。(今年は、外にブースを設けて、暖かい食べ物と飲み物もご用意します。)(コーヒーハウスと外のブースでの売り上げはバングラデシュにある Chaunchung Hope for Children Homeへ献金されます。)


テニス スケジュール:11月28日、12月12、19日

火曜日のディボーション リーダー:(12/2)

12/3 Iverson家アメリカから帰国
12/5&6 Living Nativity
12/23-1/5 冬休み
1/10 書き初め大会
1/20 理事会

November 21, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Thanksgiving Vacation: We will have a holiday on Thursday, November 27, 2008, to celebrate American Thanksgiving.

A Living Nativity: CCSI will present “A Living Nativity” on December 5 & 6, 2008. This thirty minute outdoor play brings to life the birth of Jesus using passages from the Bible. This is a non-threatening way to introduce non-Christians to the story of Jesus, as well as, a wonderful time for Christians to remember his birth.

Also, we will be having a coffee house again this year. Guests will be able to buy coffee and cake and enjoy Christmas carols. It will be a great place to sit with guests and talk about why we celebrate Christmas. Please bring your friends. (This year we will also have an outside booth selling hot food and drinks.)

Bangladesh: The proceeds from the Coffee House and outdoor booth will go to help Chaunchung Hope for Children Home in Bangladesh. Thank you to everyone who was able to help make Christmas cards to send to Bangladesh at the November, 15, 2008, FEU.

Flu Season: Flu season is here. To prevent illness, CCSI is asking everyone to please wash your hands often. (The soap in the soap dispensers at the Kyoikukan is anti-bacterial soap.)

Tennis Schedule: November’s tennis schedule will be as follows: 14, 21, and 28.

Tuesday Devotional Leader: (11/25)
Olleras Family

Parent Cleaning Day: (11/29) We will be having a parent cleaning day at CCSI. Please make plans to be in attendance. We will be cleaning, organizing, and preparing for the Christmas program.(9 am to 12 noon)

Upcoming Events
12/3 Iverson Family returns from USA.
12/5&6 Living Nativity
12/23-1/5 Christmas Break
1/10 Kakizome Taikai
1/20 School Board Meeting

CCSI ご家族の皆様


A Living Nativity: 12月5、6日にCCSIで野外降誕劇をおこないます。この30分間にわたる降誕劇は、聖書にあるイエス・キリストの誕生を再現したものです。クリスチャンでない方々にお気軽にお越し頂き、キリストの誕生を知って頂く良い機会となり、また、クリスチャンの方々にもイエス様の誕生をもう一度覚える素晴らしい時となると思います。

バングラデシュ:コーヒーハウスと外のブースでの売り上げはバングラデシュにある Chaunchung Hope for Children Homeへ献金されます。11月15日のFEUに参加して頂き、カード作りを手伝って下さった方々に感謝します。


テニス スケジュール:11月のテニスの日程は以下の通りです:14、21、28日。

火曜日のディボーション リーダー:(11/25)
Olleras 家

ペアレント クリーニング デー:(11/29) CCSI のペアレント クリーニング デーがあります。スケジュールを調整して、ぜひご参加下さい。よろしくお願いします。その日は、学校の清掃、整理整頓をし、クリスマスプログラムの準備をします。朝9時から12時までとなります。

12/3 Iverson家アメリカから帰国
12/5&6 Living Nativity
12/23-1/5 冬休み
1/10 書き初め大会
1/20 理事会

Friday, November 14, 2008

November 15, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Report Cards: Report cards will be sent out today. Please review them with your child, sign and return to the school.

Tennis Tournament: The tennis tournament will be on Nov. 14. 

November’s tennis schedule will be as follows: 14, 21, and 28.  Remember that it is getting dark earlier. Please try to leave the school immediately after class. Also, students should change and stretch BEFORE their last period class.

Parent Cleaning Day: (11/29) We will be having a parent cleaning day at CCSI. Please make plans to be in attendance. We will be cleaning, organizing, and preparing for the Christmas program. All are welcome.

FEU: (11/15) This Saturday’s FEU will focus on Chaunchung Hope for Children Home in Bangladesh. We will be learning more about the work that is going on there, the needs of the students and our vision for partnering with this school. We will also be making Christmas cards for the students and spending time in prayer for this school. Please come. Even if you have fulfilled all of the your FEU credits for the year, it should be a fun time. See you there.

Tuesday Devotional Leader: (11/18)
Virtudazo Family

Thanksgiving Vacation: We will have a holiday on Thursday, November 27, 2008, to celebrate American Thanksgiving.

Volunteer: Chiba University student, Yuu Sakurai, will be volunteering at the school on Wednesdays until Christmas break.

Kanji Teacher: We would like to thank Mizuho Yonemoto for her willingness to teach Kanji last quarter. Unfortunately, Miss Yonemoto is no longer available to teach full time. Please pray that God will provide an additional teacher for next semester. Please contact the school if you know of someone who would be willing to teach a kanji class.

Upcoming Events
11/13 Report Cards
11/15 FEU
12/5&6 Living Nativity
12/23-1/5 Christmas Break
1/10 Kakizome Taikai
1/20 School Board Meeting

CCSI ご家族の皆様




ペアレント クリーニング デー:(11/29) CCSI のペアレント クリーニング デーがあります。スケジュールを調整して、ぜひご参加下さい。よろしくお願いします。その日は、学校の清掃、整理整頓をし、クリスマスプログラムの準備を致します。

FEU:(11/5 )今週土曜日のFEU は、バングラデシュにあるChaunchung Hope for Children Homeについてです。そこでの働きについて、生徒の需要、そして、この学校とパートナーとして歩んでいきたいというビジョンを分かち合いたいと思います。また、クリスマスカード作りやこの学校について祈りの時を持ちたいと思います。 FEU単位が満たされている方も、楽しい時となりますのでぜひご参加ください。お待ちしています。

火曜日のディボーション リーダー:(11/18)
Virtudazo 家


ボランティア: 千葉大生の桜井裕さんが冬休みまでの毎週水曜日、学校でボランティアとしてご奉仕して下さいます。

漢字のクラス: 前学期と今学期、漢字を教えて下さっている米本若穂さんに心から感謝します。しかしながら、今後、今までのように週3日漢字の授業を教えて頂く事ができなくなりました。神様が必要な先生を来学期、備えて下さいますよう祈りに覚えて下さい。もし、どなたか漢字のクラスを教えて下される方をご存知でしたら、学校へご連絡下さい。

11/13 成績表
11/15 FEU
12/5&6 Living Nativity
12/23-1/5 冬休み
1/10 書き初め大会
1/20 理事会

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Field Trip: We had a great time at Qiball Science center. The students really enjoyed the hands-on activities and the planetarium. It was a great way to enhance our study of Astronomy. Also, lunch at the Oguro’s ramen shop went very well. Please remember to thank them if you see them. Please stop by their ramen shop anytime you are in Chiba. They will be pleased to have you.

Tennis Tournament: Due to rain, last week’s tennis tournament will be postponed until Nov. 14. 
November’s tennis schedule will be as follows: 14, 21, and 28.  Remember that it is getting dark earlier. Please try to leave the school immediately after class. Also, students should change and stretch BEFORE their last period class.

Fall Break: (10/31-11/10) Please remember that there is no school this Friday. The teachers will be planning for the coming semester, as well as, preparing grades for the first quarter report cards (11/13). School will resume on November 11th.

FEU: 11/15 - We will be putting together Christmas packages for students in Bangladesh. (See attached brochure for more information.)

Odori: November 08, 2008
The students from CCSI will perform at 1:30.

Tuesday Devotional Leader: (11/11)
Takeda Family

Calendar Update: A new copy of the November calendar will be going home today. Please note the scheduling changes on your family’s calendar.

Reimbursements Due: (10/31) First quarter reimbursements are due this Friday.

Upcoming Events
10/31 Teacher in Service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursements due
11/4-11/7 Fall Break
11/13 Report Cards
11/15 FEU
12/5&6 Living Nativity
12/23-1/5 Christmas Break

CCSI ご家族の皆様

社会科見学:Qiball(きぼーる) 科学館での時間はとても祝福されました。生徒達は体験コーナーやプラネタリウムをとても楽しみ、天文学の学びをより良いものとする機会となりました。小黒さんのラーメン屋での昼食も素晴らしい時間でした。ご夫妻をお見かけした際にはお礼の言葉をおかけ下さい。皆さんも千葉へお越しの際はぜひ幸福軒へお立ち寄り下さい。小黒さんも喜ばれると思います。

テニス トーナメント:雨天のため、先週のテニストーナメントは11月14日へ延期となりました。

秋休み:(10/31− 11/10)今週の金曜日は学校がお休みです。先生方は来学期の準備や成績表作成を行います。秋休み後11月11日から学校は始まります。

FEU: 11/5 – バングラデシュへ送るためのクリスマスボックスをつくります。(詳細については添付してあるちらしをご覧下さい。)





10/31 学期終了/ティーチャーズインサービス/休校
10/31 仮払い精算書提出期限日
11/4-11/7 秋休み
11/13 成績表
11/15 FEU
12/5&6 Living Nativity
12/23-1/5 冬休み

Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 23, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Field Trip: October 24, 2008
In order to streamline our travel to Chiba Qiball, we are asking all students to meet at Honda station at 8:30. Also, please note that we will be dismissing the students from the school building at 3:30, and not from Honda station. (Mr. Dingle’s class will be returning after lunch for Japanese class and the tennis tournament.)

Tennis Tournament: The final match this Friday will be between Andrew and Kevin.  We will start with a consolation first round match between Jonathan and Maika.  So the finals should start just before 4pm.  We will play a regulation regular set (first to 6 with a 2 game advantage).  The final consolation match will follow.
Coach Daniel asks that Parents please come out and support our awesome tennis players!
Pick-up Time: Pick-up time in 3:30. If you are not available to pick-up your child at 3:30, please make other arrangements for their care.

FEU: The November FEU that was scheduled for 11/08 has been moved to 11/15.

Odori: November 08, 2008
There has been a scheduling change to the Odori festival. The students from CCSI were to perform at 11:30. Their time has been changed to 1:30.

Happy Birthday Mr. Stewart! (10/24)

Tuesday Devotional Leader: (10/28)
Hirohashi Family

Upcoming Events
10/24 Qiball
10/28 School Board Meeting 5:30
10/31 Teacher in Service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursements due
11/4-11/7 Fall Break
11/13 Report Cards
11/15 FEU

CCSI ご家族の皆様

社会科見学:10月24日(金)千葉にあるQiball (きぼーる)へ行く際、 千葉への移動時間を効率よくする為、全校生徒は誉田駅に8:30に集合して下さい。 また、解散は誉田駅ではなく、教育館にて解散ですのでお間違えのないよう、お願いいたします。(ディングル先生のクラスは日本語とテニスのクラスのため、昼食後学校へ戻ります。)

テニス トーナメント:今週の金曜日にアンドリュー先生とケビンによる決勝戦が行なわれます。その前にジョナサンとマイカによる3位決定戦が行なわれます。よって、決勝戦は4時少し前に始まると思います。通常の試合ルールに沿って、ゲームを進めて行きます。







10/24 Qiballきぼーる
10/28 スクールボードミーティング5:30
10/31 学期終了/ティーチャーズインサービス/休校
10/31 仮払い精算書提出期限日
11/4-11/7 秋休み
11/13 成績表
11/15 FEU

Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Field Trip: October 24, 2008
All students will be going to Qiball in Chiba. In order to enhance our study of Astronomy in science class, we would like to take advantage of the Qiball planetarium.

The Oguro family has graciously invited us to have lunch at their restaurant. They will open early so that we will be able to eat together as a class. Each child should bring 500 yen to cover the cost of lunch. The school will cover the entrance fees to the planetarium and the cost of travel to Chiba.

In order to streamline our travel to Chiba, we are asking all students to meet at Honda station at 8:30. Also, please note that we will be dismissing the students from the school building at 3:30, and not from Honda station.

Please note the attached form. It should be signed and returned to the school no later than Tuesday. (10/21)

Outside Equipment: Please remember that we share our property with Oyumino church. Please encourage your children to make sure that they clean up the grounds before they return home. Many items have been left out by students playing after school. Also, please remind your child that they should not play behind the buildings. If all children play in the front playground, they are easily seen by adults who are here on the property.

Pick-up Time: Pick-up time in 3:30. If you are not available to pick-up your child at 3:30, please make other arrangements for their care.

FEU: The November FEU that was scheduled for 11/08 has been moved to 11/15.

Tennis: Tennis will be Oct. 17, and 24.
Upcoming Events
10/24 Qiball
10/28 School Board Meeting 5:30
10/31 Teacher in Service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursements due
11/4-11/7 Fall Break
11/13 Report Cards
11/15 FEU

CCSI ご家族の皆様

社会科見学:10月24日(金)千葉にあるQiball (きぼーる)へ行きます。理科で学んでいる天文学の学びをより良いものとする為、Qiball(きぼーる)のプラネタリウムを見る事が役立つと思います。







10/24 Qiballきぼーる
10/28 スクールボードミーティング5:30〜
10/31 学期終了/ティーチャーズインサービス/休校
10/31 仮払い精算書提出期限日
11/4-11/7 秋休み
11/13 成績表
11/15 FEU

Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 10, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Sports Day: We had a wonderful time at Sports Day. We want to thank Mr. Noll for all of his word. We also want to thank the families to came out and made this a wonderful day.

Odori: November 08, 2008 As some of you may know, there is a festival of Christian artists who specialize in Japanese traditional performing arts on November 8th. These artists will gather to perform to the glory of God and to share the Gospel. Nitta sensei has picked Yurika and Elizabeth from the Oyumino area, and Rev. and Mrs. Omachi from Yurinoki area to perform on this special occasion. It would be a great opportunity to see our students perform and also to see other tools that can be used to share the Gospel in Japanese culture. Please bring your friends and family to experience Japanese culture in a Biblical context.

This will be an all day event featuring Japanese traditional dance, singing, and story-telling. Entrance is free, although there will be an opportunities to give an offering. You can come and leave at any time, but Nitta sensei's group will be performing from 11:30 to 12:00. It will be at the Salvation Army Tokyo office building at Jinbo-cho. If you are interested in coming, or need more information, please contact Asako Hirohashi.

FEU: The November FEU that was scheduled for 11/08 has been moved to 11/15. We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause your family.

Tennis: Tennis will be Oct. 10, 17, and 24.  Coach Daniel has reserved 2 courts together on the 17th and 24th so that we can have a 2 week singles tournament.  One court will be used for singles and the other for practice with Coach Daniel. Coach Daniel asks that you remember to stretch while at school so you will be ready to play when we get there.

Upcoming Events
10/28 School Board Meeting 5:30
10/31 Teacher in Service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursements due
11/4-11/7 Fall Break
11/13 Report Cards
11/15 FEU






10/28 スクールボードミーティング5:30〜
10/31 学期終了/ティーチャーズインサービス/休校
10/31 仮払い精算書提出期限日
11/4-11/7 秋休み
11/13 成績表
11/15 FEU

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Sports Day: Sports Day is this Saturday. We will be meet at Showa No Mori at 9:00. Please remember to bring plenty of water for your family. Also, many families are planning to bring lunch to the park. Please bring a lunch and plan to stay for a time of fellowship.

Parking is 400 yen and the parking lot opens at 8:30.

If you need further information, please go to the following website.

After Lunch - Optional ultimate frisbee & soccer.

Rain date is October 11th.

E-Zone: Our next E-Zone will be on October, 3, 2008. We will be having a practice time for sports day. Please send appropriate clothes and tennis shoes with your child.

Fall Break: Fall break is coming (November 4-7). Plan ahead and make it a memorable time together as a family.

World Economy: Many companies are having a difficult time financially. As people struggle with a changing economy, this could affect the financial support that our school receives. Please pray that God would give us the faith not to worry and that He would continue to support our work here at CCSI.

After School: There are many great programs happening after school. (Odori classes, “Afterschool”, and Tennis) We encourage interested students to be involved with these programs. Please remember that students who are not involved with these programs need to be picked up at 3:30.

Upcoming Events
10/4 Sports Day 9:00-12:00
10/28 School Board Meeting 5:30
10/31 End of quarter
10/31 Teacher in Service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursements due
11/4-11/7 Fall Break





昼食後 - フリスビーとサッカーをする予定です。


Eゾーン: 次回のEゾーンは10月3日です。スポーツデーの練習を行います。運動できる服装で来て下さい。




10/4 スポーツデー(9:00-12:00)
10/28 スクールボードミーティング5:30〜
10/31 学期終了
10/31 ティーチャーズインサービス/休校
10/31 仮払い精算書提出期限日
11/4-11/7 秋休み

September 25, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Building use: Thank you to everyone who used the building this week. Everything looked great and everyone did a good job of cleaning up and setting up the room for the next day.

Upcoming FEU: FEU will be held on Saturday, September 27, 2008, from 10:00-12:00. We will be talking about the Principles of Community and the challenges of effective homeschooling. Please note that all families must complete 6 hours per year of FEU credits. This Saturday’s FEU counts as two credits.

E-Zone: Our next E-Zone will be on September 26, 2008. We will be studying Israel.

Special Program: The CCSI students have been asked to sing at a luncheon for elderly people in our neighborhood. We will be singing after E-Zone tomorrow and ask that all students wear their uniform (any solid color). We will start around 12:30 and sing two songs. This is a last minute, optional event. If your child cannot stay because of a conflict, please feel free to pick them up at 12:00. All students at school after 12:00 will be asked to participate. (Sorry, tomorrow is not a “dress down day.”) We apologize to those families with fixed schedules that cannot accommodate last minute changes.

Sports Day: We are sending out information for the upcoming sports day today. We would like to request that all families inform the school of the names of the family members who will be participating. All are invited to attend. If you are bringing friends and/or extended family members who wish to participate, please include their names as well. (Names will be used to assign everyone to teams.) Please return the registration form by Wednesday, October 1st.

Upcoming Events
9/27 FEU Family Education Unit (10:00-12:00)
10/4 Sports Day 9:00-12:00
10/28 School Board Meeting 5:30
10/31 End of quarter
10/31 Teacher in Service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursements due
11/4-11/7 Fall Break


教育館の利用に関して: 今週教育館をお使いになった方々、ありがとうございました。次の日のための椅子の準備や掃除もとてもよくしてくださり、素晴らしかったです。

次回のFEU: 次回のFEUは9月27日(土曜日)、10:00〜12;00です。コミュニティーの原則について、また効果的なホームスクーリングの挑戦についてわかち合いたいと思います。各家庭、一年間にFEU6単位を修得する必要があることを覚えておいて下さい。今回のFEUは2単位となっています。

Eゾーン: 次回のEゾーンは9月26日です。イスラエルについて学びます。



9/27 FEU Family Education Unit(10:00-12:00)
10/4 スポーツデー(9:00-12:00)
10/28 スクールボードミーティング5:30〜
10/31 学期終了
10/31 ティーチャーズインサービス/休校
10/31 仮払い精算書提出期限日
11/4-11/7 秋休み

Thursday, September 18, 2008

CCSI ニュースレター September 19th, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

MTW Tokyo Team Update: Please pray for Mr. Stewart as he will be acting team leader of the MTW Tokyo Team for the next several months. Pray that God would continue to build a strong and vibrant church in Japan.

Building use reminder: Please remember that after-school programs (Odori, After-School, Board Meeting) are responsible for setting up the large room for CCSI morning devotions.

Community Meeting: We had a wonderful turnout for last week’s Community Meeting. Mr. Stewart presented his theme for the coming year. “Train Yourself to be Godly.” Remember that our goal is Godliness and that we must pursue it with passion. Our relationship to our God is the most important thing in our lives and it is our responsibility to cultivate and guard this most precious of relationships.

Upcoming FEU: Our next FEU will be held on Saturday, September 27, 2008, from 10:00-12:00. We will talking about the Principles of Community and the challenges of effective homeschooling. Please note that all families must complete 6 hours per year of FEU credits. This Saturday’s FEU counts as two credits.

E-Zone: Our next E-Zone will be on September 19, 2008.

Sports Day: We will soon be sending out information for the upcoming sports day. We would like to request that all families inform the school of the names of the family members who will be participating. All are invited to attend. If you are bringing friends and/or extended family members who wish to participate, please include their names as well. (Names will be used to assign everyone to teams.)

Upcoming Events
9/27 FEU Family Education Unit (10:00-12:00)
10/4 Sports Day 9:00-12:00
10/31 End of quarter
10/31 Teacher in Service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursements due
11/4-11/7 Fall Break


MTW東京チーム最新情報: スチュワート先生は今後数ヶ月間、MTW東京チームリーダーとなることとなりました。お祈りください。また、神様が活気に満ちた力強い教会を日本に引き続き立ち上げて下さることもお祈りに覚えて下さい。

教育館の利用に関して: 放課後のプログラムに参加関係者の方(踊り、アフタースクール、ボードミーティング等)は、CCSI の朝のディボーションの為、使用後ビックルームの椅子のセットアップをお願いします。

コミュニティーミーティング: 先週のコミュティーミーティングではスチュワート先生が今年のテーマをお話してくださり、とても良い時となりました。「神に似た者へとされるための訓練」私たちの目指しているのは、神に似た者へとされること、その事に情熱をもって追求し続けていかなければなりません。神様との関係は生きている中で一番重要であり、この一番大切な関係をみがき、また守ることは私たちの責任なのです。

次回のFEU: 次回のFEUは9月27日(土曜日)、10:00〜12;00です。コミュニティーの原則について、また効果的なホームスクーリングの挑戦についてわかち合いたいと思います。各家庭、一年間にFEU6単位を得る必要があることを覚えておいて下さい。今回のFEUは2単位となっています。

Eゾーン: 次回のEゾーンは9月19日です。

スポーツデー: これからやってくるイベント、スポーツデーについては、まもなくお知らせをお送りします。参加されるご家族は、参加される方の名前をお知らせください。家族全員参加できます。もし、参加されたいお友達や親戚の方がいらっしゃいましたら、その方の名前も後日お送りする参加用紙にご記入下さい。(名前はチーム分けをする際に必要となります。)

9/27 FEU Family Education Unit(10:00-12:00)
10/4 スポーツデー(9:00-12:00)
10/31 学期終了
10/31 ティーチャーズインサービス/休校
11/4-11/7 秋休み

CCSI ニュースレター September 12th, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Our school day starts at 8:30. Give your student a great start to the day by arriving on time each morning. (Recommended time of arrival is 8:20.)

Meeting with Teachers. The teachers would like to make themselves available to meet with parents concerning their student’s progress and needs. The CCSI teachers will be available to meet with parents during the school week of October 28-30. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher to schedule an appointment for a 30 minute conference.
(10/24 deadline for making appointments)

Tuesday Devotions: Please remember to check the devotional schedule. Parents who are unable to lead on their scheduled day are responsible to find their own replacement.

Sep 2 - Mr. Stewart Nov 4 - Fall break
Sep 9 - Cocreham family Nov 11 -Takeda family
Sep 16 - Dedachi family Nov 18 - Virtudazo family
Sep 23 - National Holiday Nov 25 - Fujieda family
Sep 30 - Dingle family Dec 2 - Han family
Oct 7 - Hayashi family Dec 9 - Pitz family
Oct 14 - Lee family Dec 16 - Mr. Stewart
Oct 28 – Hirohashi family

E-Zone: Our next E-Zone will be on September 19, 2008.

PE Dress Code: (Any T-shirt and athletic shorts or pants. Running shoes.) Hayashi-san has asked that all parents remember the importance of proper shoes for athletic activities. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students must wear Athletic shoes for PE.

Upcoming Events
9/23 No school/ National Holiday
9/27 FEU Family Education Unit
10/4 Sports Day 9:00-12:00
10/28 School Board Meeting
10/31 Teacher In-service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursement deadline



先生との面談: 生徒の勉強の進み具合やニーズなど、疑問、質問などございましたら、時間をとってお話をしたいと思っております。CCSI教師は10月28-30日の期間、面談時間を作っております。よろしければ30分間の話し合いのためのアポイントをお取りください。担任の先生と時間等はご相談ください。(10/24が面談申し込みの締め切りです。)

火曜日のディボーション: ディボーションのスケジュールを確認しておいてください。もしご都合の悪い場合、代わりの人を探してください。

9月2日-Stewart先生 11月4日-秋休み
9月9日-Cocreham家 11月11日-竹田家
9月16日-出立家     11月18日- Virtudazo家  
9月23日-秋分の日 11月25日-藤枝家
9月30日-Dingle家    12月2日-Han家   
10月7日-林家 12月9日-Pitz家
10月14日-Lee家    12月16日- Stewart先生  


体育の服装: (Tシャツ、運動用の半ズボンか長ズボン運動靴) 先日、林さんが運動靴を履くことがいかに大切かと言うお話をしてくださいました。火、木曜日の体育、生徒は必ず運動靴をはくようにしてください。

9/23 休日/秋分の日
9/27 FEU Family Education Unit
10/4 スポーツデー9:00-12:00
10/28 スクールボードミーティング
10/31 ティーチャーインサービス/お休み
10/31 立替金精算書の提出期限

Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 5, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Our school day starts at 8:30. Give your student a great start to the day by arriving on time each morning. (Recommended time of arrival is 8:20.)

Mr. Stewart has chosen a theme for the coming months. “Train Yourself to be Godly.” Hear more about it at the upcoming community meeting.

Community Meeting: Our next Community Meeting will be on Saturday (9/06). All families are strongly encouraged to attend. (10:00-12:00)

Swimming: The elementary students will be going swimming next Tuesday for PE.

E-Zone: Our next E-Zone will be on September 19, 2008. Do you know someone who may be interested in E-Zone? The school board has approved the following guidelines for students outside of CCSI to attend E-Zone.(The fee for participating in E-Zone has been set at 1000 yen per child per week. Families must sign up in advance of each quarter to participate in E-Zone for that quarter. Most quarters will have 6-7 E-Zone days.) Next quarters sign-up deadline will be Friday, September 12, 2008.

Orange Cards: Students will no longer be bringing home orange cards as a means to inform parents of problems at school. Starting next week, the school will contact the parents directly. This change is meant to encourage communication between the home and school, as well as, to aid students in correcting problems in a timely and effective manner. (Note: Parents who are called several times for the same problem, will be asked to attend an in-school meeting.)

Dress Code: Students may wear any solid color polo shirt with khaki, blue, or black shorts, pants, skirt or skort. Cold weather attire: Any solid color long sleeved polo shirt, solid color sweater, or solid color fleece may be worn. (PE: T-shirt and athletic shorts or pants. Running shoes.)

Reimbursements: Reimbursements are due at the end of each quarter. The school will send a reminder on the eight week of each quarter. Any receipts not submitted to the school by the end of the quarter will be considered a donation

to the school. (The next reimbursements deadline is 10/31/2008)

Upcoming Events

9/6 Community Meeting 10:00~12:00

9/27 FEU Family Education Unit

10/4 Sports Day 9:00-12:00



スチュワート先生は“神に似たものとされるための訓練″を今年のテーマとして選びました。詳しくはコミュニテー ミーティングでお聞きください。

コミュニティー ミーティング:次回のコミュニティー ミーティングは9月6日土曜日です。全家族の参加を強くお勧めします。(10:00-12:00)



オレンジ カード:学校からのお知らせとして用いていたオレンジカードを今後、生徒に渡さないこととなりました。来週より、学校から直接、生徒のご両親と連絡をとります。この変更により、学校とご家庭とのコミュニケーションがより良いものとなればと思っております。また、生徒達の問題もその随時、解決することができればと思っております。(何度も同じ問題で連絡があった場合、ご両親に学校に来ていただくこともあります。)

ドレス コード:生徒は、単色のポロシャツにカーキ、紺、または黒の半ズボン、長ズボン、スカート、キュロットの着用が認められています。 寒い季節:単色の長袖ポロシャツ、単色のセーター、単色のフリースを着てください。(体育:Tシャツ、運動用の短パンまたはズボン。運動靴。)



9/6 コミュニティー ミーティング 10:00~12:00
9/27 FEU Family Education Unit

10/4 スポーツ デー

Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome back to School!

Dear Friends and Family,

School starts on September 2nd at 8:30.
(Our School day starts at 8:30. Recommended time of arrival is 8:20.)

Thank you for keeping CCSI in your prayers. The staff and teachers are preparing for the new semester in September. Please mark your calendars with the following events.

We are excited about parent involvement in the school’s morning devotional time. Devotionals can be giving in either English or Japanese. Please follow the schedule listed below for the coming semester. If you find yourself unable to lead on your scheduled day, please make arrangements with another family to find a replacement.

Sep 2 - Mr. Stewart Sep 9 - Cocreham family
Sep 16 - Dedachi family Sep 23 - National Holiday
Sep 30 - Dingle family Oct 7 - Hayashi family
Oct 14 - Lee family Oct 28 - Pitz family
Nov 4 - Fall break Nov 11 -Takeda family
Nov 18 - Virtudazo family Nov 25 - Fujieda family
Dec 2 - Han family Dec 9 - Iverson family
Dec 16 - Mr. Stewart

Community Meeting: Our next Community Meeting will be on Saturday, September 6th. Mr. Stewart will be sharing his continuing vision for CCSI. It will be the first community meeting since the school board appointed him administrator over both language tracks. All families are strongly encouraged to attend. (10-12).

Date Correction: American Thanksgiving will be observed on November 27, 2008. The school calendar erroneously listed the date as November 20, 2008. We apologize for the mistake.

New Teachers: Please extend a warm welcome to our new teachers. Kevin Dingle, Andrew Lyell, Samantha Cherry, and Mizuho Yonemoto will be joining our staff this year. Please pray for a smooth transition.

New Students: Ryoji Fujieda, Ethan Virtudazo, Meg Dingle and Samuel Ham have been accepted to CCSI’s English track. Please welcome them to the CCSI community!

E-Zone: Our first E-Zone is on Sept. 19. Please note that grades 1-3
do not have E-Zone on Sept. 5 or 12.

Parent Partner: Please sign up to be a parent partner. (Parents are asked to reserve one day per month for being a parent partner. This requirement can be fulfilled by either parent or can be divided into partial days several times a month.)

Grading Periods: Both language tracks will be dividing the school year into four, nine week grading periods. Report cards will be sent home on the Thursday following the end of each grading period. (Please note dates on the school calendar.)

Upcoming Events
8/25-29 Teacher In-Service
8/29 School Board Meeting
9/2 First Day of School
9/6 Community Meeting 10am~
9/27 FEU Family Education Unit





9月2日-Stewart先生          9月9日-Cocreham家
9月16日-出立家             9月23日-秋分の日
9月30日-Dingle家           10月7日-林家
10月14日-Lee家            10月28日-Pitz家
11月4日-秋休み      11月11日-竹田家
11月18日- Virtudazo家      11月25日-藤枝家
12月2日-Han家         12月9日-Iverson家
12月16日- Stewart先生



新任の先生:今学期から新しくCCSIに加わって下さる先生方です。Kevin Dingle先生、 Andrew Lyell先生、 Samantha Cherry先生、   米本瑞穂先生がスタッフとして加わって下さいます。暖かくお迎え下さい。またこの環境に早く慣れることができるようお祈り下さい。

新入生:藤枝 稜児君、Ethan Virtudazo君、Meg Dingleさん、Samuel Han君がCCSIの英語部に新しく入学します。CCSIコミュニティーにようこそ!


ペアレント パートナー:ペアレント パートナーのサインアップをお願いします。(生徒の親は1ヶ月に1日、ペアレント パートナーとして学校にお手伝い下さいますようにお願いします。一日中、または数時間、何度かに分けてお手伝い下さることも可能です。)


8/25-29 ティーチャーズ イン サービス
8/29 理事会
9/2 新学期スタート
9/6 コミュニティ ミーティング 10:00~
9/27 FEU Family Education Unit

Friday, June 13, 2008

CCSI ニュースレター June 14th, 2008

 Dear Friends and Family,
 September 2nd is the first day of CCSI Fall classes!
This is the last newsletter until September.  Following our summer session, September 2nd will be the first day of classes. 

E-Zone: There will be no E-Zone this week. Next quarter's E-Zone will start on Friday, September 19th. Non-CCSI students who wish to participate should sign up by September 5th. (1000yen per child per class.)

This Friday, June 13th, is a Teacher's In-service day. Please pray for our teachers as they spend time planning and dreaming about upcoming events and new classes for September.  Please note that there is no school on this day.

A Gallery Night: The CE Building will be transformed into a gallery for the night and we will have light refreshments on the patio. Friday, June 13, 2008 (Drop in: 6~8pm.)  We look forward to seeing you there!

Community Meeting: Our next Community Meeting will be on Saturday, September 6th. Mr. Stewart will be sharing his continuing vision for CCSI.  It will be the first community meeting since the school board appointed him administrator over both language tracks.  All families are strongly encouraged to attend. (10-12).

Thank you: Megan Poe will be leaving Japan on June 26th.  We are so thankful that she was willing to come and work at the school for six months.  She has been a wonderful blessing and she will be greatly missed.

The school board has approved for Ai-sensei to take a personal leave of absence June 17 to 19th.

It has been a pleasure to walk with and serve you this year.  "Don't waste your summer!"  Explore, read, experiment with new things, serve the community, fellowship with your Savior, and enjoy your family. See you in the fall.

Up Coming Events

6/12 End of Fourth Quarter

6/13 Teacher In-Service (No school)

    Galley Night (Drop in: 6~8pm)

6/17-7/10 Japanese Language Track Summer Session

7/11 Teacher In-Service

8/25-29 Teacher In-Service

8/29 School Board Meeting

9/2 First Day of School

9/6 Community Meeting 10am~






E-Zone: 今週はE-Zoneはありません。来学期のE-Zoneは、9月19日(金)からです。本校の生徒以外の参加申し込みは、9月5日までとなっています。(参加費は生徒一人につき1クラス1000円。)




感謝: メーガン・ポーは6月26日に日本を去ります。6ヶ月間、学校の為に働いて下さったことを心から感謝します。彼女は学校にとって本当に祝福でした。さみしくなります。






6月12日(木) 英語部4学期終業日
6月13日(金) ティーチャーズインサービス(休校)
6月17日〜7月10日 日本語部サマーセッション

7月11日(金) ティーチャーズインサービス




9月6日(土) コミュニティーミーティング(10時より)

Monday, June 9, 2008


Dear Friends and Family,

The summer session is quickly approaching (6/17-7/10). Help this to be a memorable time for our students by signing up to lead a devotional time.
6/24 Takeda
7/1 Dedachi
7/2 Newland
7/3 Noll
7/8 Detachi
7/9 Newland
7/10 Takeda
(We thank those of you who have already signed up.)

E-Zone: This week’s E-Zone will be a “dress rehearsal” for the Talent Show. The rehearsal will go until noon. Please note that the families who are entry to the Talent Show with their children do not have to attend this rehearsal.

Talent Show: This Saturday is the Annual Talent Show. The children have spent many hours practicing their talents and a special Master of Ceremonies (Michael Albert) has flown in from America for this event. Please bring your family, friends and neighbors. Also, please remember to bring refreshments. All CCSI students need to come to Honda Chapel by 6:45pm.

A Gallery Night: We are planning a time to view the students’ work from this semester’s art and photography classes. The CE Building will be transformed into a gallery for the night and we will have light refreshments on the patio. Friday, June 13, 2008 (Drop in: 6~8pm.)

Next Friday, June 13th, is a Teacher’s In-service day. Please pray for our teachers as they spend time planning and dreaming about upcoming events and new classes for September. Please note that there is no school on this day.

Spirit Week: To celebrate the end of the year for the English Track and to kick off the Japanese Track’s Summer Session, we will be having a Spirit Week next week. (June 10-12) We want this to be a fun time and ask that all students participate. The Students do not need to wear regular school uniforms. The following days have been chosen:
Tuesday, 10th: Wacky Hair Day & Mismatch Day
Wednesday, 11th: Fake Injury Day
Thursday, 12th: Black & White Day

Up Coming Events

6/7 SAT testing in Tokyo
6/7 Talent Show (7-9pm)
6/12 End of Fourth Quarter
6/13 Teacher In-Service (No school)
6/17-7/10 Japanese Language Track Summer Session
7/11 Teacher In-Service
8/25-29 Teacher In-Service
8/29 School Board Meeting
9/2 First Day of School


6/24 竹田
7/1 出立
7/2 ニューランド
7/3 Noll
7/8 出立
7/9 ニューランド
7/10 竹田

E-Zone: 今週のE-Zoneは、タレントショーのリハーサルになります。リハーサルは12時までです。このリハーサルはCCSI生徒だけのものとなりますので、ご家族でタレントショーに参加される方に来ていただく必要はありません。

タレントショー: 今週の土曜日は、タレントショーです。子供たちはこの日のために、多くの時間を練習に費やしてきました。さらに、アメリカより特別司会者(マイケル・アルバート)がこのイベントのために駆けつけてくれました。ご家族、お友達、ご近所の方々をお誘い合わせの上、ご参加ください。茶菓をお持ち下さいますようお願いします。なおCCSI生徒は6:45pmまでに誉田チャペルに集合して下さい。

ギャラリーナイト: 今学期の生徒達の図工や写真のクラスの作品を展示する機会をもちたいと思っています。教育館を展示場にし、裏庭のパティオで茶菓をご用意します。2008年6月13日(ギャラリーオープン:6~8pm)。


Spirit Week: 英語部の今年度課程終了と日本語部のサマーセッションを迎えるにあたり、来週(6/10-12)をSpirit Weekとします。楽しい時となりますように、子供たち全員の参加を期待します。この日は普段の制服ではなく、以下のテーマにそって仮装して下さい。それぞれの日は、以下のようになります。


6月7日(土) SAT試験–東京
6月7日(土) タレント・ショー(19時~21時)
6月12日(木) 英語部4学期終業日6月13日(金) ティーチャーズインサービス(休校)6月17日~7月10日 日本語部サマーセッション
7月11日(金) ティーチャーズインサービス

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Dear CCSI Friends and Family,

Thank you for coming and helping on the cleaning day last Saturday. We greatly appreciate your hard work to make the building a safe and clean place. The next cleaning day is November 29th.

Thank you for submitting your sign-up sheet for the Talent Show. The Talent Show schedule is complete. We expect that it will be a great evening! We are asking all families to bring refreshments to the Talent Show.

E-Zone: This week we will be studying Madagascar. Next week’s E-Zone will be used for Talent Show rehearsal.

This weekend is the CheaJapan conference. We hope many of you are able to attend and that it will be a wonderful time for your family. (Please notify school if your child is attending the conference on Friday.)

A Gallery Night: We are planning a time to view the students’ work from this semester’s art and photography classes. The CE Building will be transformed into a gallery for the night and we will have light refreshments on the patio. Please plan to be a part of this night to celebrate our students’ artistic abilities. Family and friends welcome. Invitations to follow.
Friday, June 13, 2008 (Drop in from 6~8pm.)

Looking Ahead: We are currently planning CCSI's September schedule and are once again looking for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering to teach a subject at the school or to be a classroom helper, please contact the school. If you are currently volunteering at the school and are interested/able to continue in the Fall, please let the school know as soon as possible. Please note that families whose children are enrolled full time at the school can receive a discount for volunteering to teach a class.

CCSI Administration Team

CCSI ご家族の皆様







Friday, May 23, 2008


Dear Family and Friends,
This Saturday we are having a Parent Cleaning Day.  There are many jobs and projects that need to be completed and we need as much help as possible.  Please let us know if you will be unable to attend.
We are still looking for people to help with the Talent Show, please let us know if you can help in any way.

Last week the E-Zone students learned about Mexico.  The students made sombreros and churros, which the whole school enjoyed!  We also prayed for Mexico and learned about the country during morning devotions.  This week's country for E-Zone is Bangladesh.

Do you know someone who may be interested in E-Zone?  The school board has approved the following guidelines for students outside of CCSI to attend E-Zone.  (The fee for participating in E-Zone has been set at 1000 yen per child per week. Families must sign up in advance of each quarter to participate in E-Zone for that quarter. Most quarters will have 6-7 E-Zone days.) Next quarter's sign-up deadline will be Friday, September 5, 2008.

 Looking Ahead:  We are currently planning CCSI's  September schedule and are once again looking for volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering to teach a subject at the school or to be a classroom helper, please contact the school.  If you are currently volunteering at the school and are interested/able to continue in the Fall, please let the school know as soon as possible.  Please note that families whose children are enrolled full time at the school can receive a discount for volunteering to teach a class.

 Upcoming Events

5/24 Deadline for talent show sign-up.
5/24 Parent Cleaning Day (9:00-12:00)
5/30-31 CheaJapan Conference.
Tedd Tripp, the author of "Shepherding a Child's Heart," will be the main speaker. (You can also receive 2 FEU credit hours for attending this conference.) If you are interested in the conference, please pick up a flyer from the CCSI office.
6/7 SAT testing in Tokyo
6/7 Talent Show (7-9pm)
6/12 End of Fourth Quarter
6/13 Teacher In-Service Day (No school)
6/17-7/10 Japanese Language Track Summer Session


CCSI Administration Team
CCSI ご家族の皆様

今週の土曜日はペアレント クリーニングデーです。大掛かりな清掃や片付けがあり、多くの方々の手伝いが必要です。出席できない方はご連絡ください。



来学期に向けて: 来学期9月からの予定を計画し始めています。今学期同様、ボランティアの方を必要としています。教科を教えるボランティア、または各教室のヘルパーとしてのご奉仕に関心のある方は、学校までご連絡ください。今学期にお手伝いをして頂いている方で、続けて来学期もご奉仕可能な方も、できるだけ早くその旨をお知らせ下さい。ボランティアで教科を教えていただくと、お子様の授業料が割引になります。


5月24日(土) タレントショー 申し込み締め切り
5月24日(土) ペアレント・クリーニングデー(9~12時)
5月30日(金)-5月31日(土) チアにっぽんコンベンション
「親と子のコミュニケーション~Shepherding a Child's Heart~」の著者であるテッド・トリップ氏がメイン・スピーカーです(このコンベンションに参加するとFEU2単位になります)コンベンションに興味がある方は、CCSIオフィスに案内がありますのでどうぞお持ち下さい。  
6月7日(土) SAT試験–東京
6月7日(土) タレント・ショー(19時~21時)
6月12日(木) 英語部4学期終業日
6月13日(金) ティーチャーズインサービスデー(休校)
6月17日~7月10日 日本語部サマーセッション

Thursday, May 15, 2008

CCSI Newsletter - CCSI ニュースレター May 16th

Dear Friends and Family,

Last Saturday's FEU was a good time of confession and prayer. We are often reminded what a joy it is to be in a school where Christ is the center! What a blessing!

E-Zone went very well last week.  The children learned about England, made Mother's Day cards, and the entire school enjoyed delicious scones. This week we will be studying Mexico.

Starting today, the "Gospel Voices of Jackson" will be staying in the Kyouikukan (May 15-25). Please make them feel welcome. CCSI students will be attending a gospel concert at Honda Chapel next Wednesday. Following our normal lunch schedule, we will attend the 1:00 concert. (All students should plan to bring lunch to school.)

The Talent Show is filling up, please make sure you sign-up before May 24th.

Please let the school know if you are planning on attending the CheaJapan conference by May 28th.  This will help with the preparations for E-Zone.

Last month at the entrance ceremony, An offering was collected totaling 26,250 yen. This offering will be sent to an orphanage in Myanmar through the "OM" mission organization.  Please pray for Myanmar as they have been hit by a cyclone recently and thousands of deaths have been reported.

Upcoming Events

5/24 Deadline for talent show sign-up.
5/24 Parent Cleaning Day (9:00-12:00)
5/30-31 CheaJapan Conference
Tedd Tripp, the author of "Shepherding a Child's Heart," will be the main speaker. (You can also receive 2 FEU credit hours for attending this conference.) If you are interested in the conference, please pick up a flyer from the CCSI office.
6/7 SAT testing in Tokyo
6/7 Talent Show (7-9pm)
6/12 End of Fourth Quarter
6/13 Teacher In-Service Day (No school)
6/17-7/10 Japanese Language Track Summer Session

CCSI Administration Team

CCSI ご家族の皆様



今日から、ゴスペルチームが教育館で滞在されます(15-25日)。CCSIの生徒も来週の水曜日、誉田チャペルで行われるゴスペル コンサートに全学年参加します。普段通りに教育館で昼食を済ませた後、午後1時からコンサートに行きます。(全学年お弁当を普段通り持参して下さい)。

タレント ショーの参加者が着々と集められています。申し込み締め切りは5月24日です。




5月24日(土) タレントショー 申し込み締め切り
5月24日(土) ペアレント・クリーニングデー(9~12時)
5月30日(金)-5月31日(土) チアにっぽんコンベンション
「親と子のコミュニケーション~Shepherding a Child's Heart~」の著者であるテッド・トリップ氏がメイン・スピーカーです(このコンベンションに参加するとFEU2単位になります)コンベンションに興味がある方は、CCSIオフィスに案内がありますのでどうぞお持ち下さい。  
6月7日(土) SAT試験–東京
6月7日(土) タレント・ショー(19時~21時)
6月12日(木) 英語部4学期終業日
6月13日(金) ティーチャーズインサービスデー(休校)
6月17日~7月10日 日本語部サマーセッション

Thursday, May 8, 2008

CCSI Newsletter - CCSI ニュースレター May 9th

Dear Parents,

We hope you and your families had a wonderful break.
This week marks the first of several busy weeks at CCSI.
On Saturday, Dan and Carol Iverson will be leading an FEU.
It will begin at 10:00 AM. If you attend, you will receive 2 credit hours. Please remember that each family needs to attend a total of six hours of Family Education per school year.  Dan and Carol will be continuing their talk on relationship building. Not only is this a great time of instruction, but also a great time of fellowship.
The talent show is quickly approaching and we you're your help!  If you are willing to help with this event, please contact the school.  We are looking for volunteers to:
1. Organize and set-up refreshments
2. Create and print programs
3. Set up and clean up
Please remember that the deadline for talent show sign-up is May 24th.
Our first E-Zone is tomorrow. The children will be studying England and participating in some fun activities.  If your child will be staying for lunch at the school, they will need to bring a lunch with them.  E-Zone will provide a snack based on the country they are studying. To protect our students' uniforms, every Friday will be a dress-down day.
If your child does not have afternoon classes on Friday, please make sure that they are picked up no later than 1:00 PM.  Only middle school and high school students should be at the school after 1:00 PM.  Thank you.
We are still looking for volunteers to lead devotions during the Summer session (6/17-7/10).  If you are available, please sign-up in the CCSI Office.  (Devotional times can be in Japanese or English.) 8:30-9:00.
 Upcoming Events
5/9 There is E-Zone!
5/10 FEU at CCSI (10:00-12:00) – Dan&Carol Iverson
5/24 Deadline for talent show sign-up.
5/24 Parent Cleaning Day (9:00-12:00)
5/30-31 CheaJapan Conference
Tripp, the author of "Shepherding a Child's Heart," will be the main speaker. (You can also receive 2 credit hours for attending this conference.) If you are interested in the conference, please pick up a flyer from the CCSI office.
6/7 SAT testing in Tokyo
6/7 Talent Show
6/12 End of Fourth Quarter
6/13 Teacher In-Service Day (No school)
6/17 Japanese Language Track Summer Session Begins
CCSI Administration Team 
CCSI ご家族の皆様






524():タレントショー 申し込み締め切り
「親と子のコミュニケーション~Shepherding a Child's Heart~」の著者であるテッド・トリップ氏がメイン・スピーカーです(このコンベンションに参加するとFEU2単位になります)。
612日 英語部4学期終業日
13日 ティーチャーズインサービスデー(休校)
17日 日本語部サマーセッション始業日