Thursday, October 2, 2008

September 25, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Building use: Thank you to everyone who used the building this week. Everything looked great and everyone did a good job of cleaning up and setting up the room for the next day.

Upcoming FEU: FEU will be held on Saturday, September 27, 2008, from 10:00-12:00. We will be talking about the Principles of Community and the challenges of effective homeschooling. Please note that all families must complete 6 hours per year of FEU credits. This Saturday’s FEU counts as two credits.

E-Zone: Our next E-Zone will be on September 26, 2008. We will be studying Israel.

Special Program: The CCSI students have been asked to sing at a luncheon for elderly people in our neighborhood. We will be singing after E-Zone tomorrow and ask that all students wear their uniform (any solid color). We will start around 12:30 and sing two songs. This is a last minute, optional event. If your child cannot stay because of a conflict, please feel free to pick them up at 12:00. All students at school after 12:00 will be asked to participate. (Sorry, tomorrow is not a “dress down day.”) We apologize to those families with fixed schedules that cannot accommodate last minute changes.

Sports Day: We are sending out information for the upcoming sports day today. We would like to request that all families inform the school of the names of the family members who will be participating. All are invited to attend. If you are bringing friends and/or extended family members who wish to participate, please include their names as well. (Names will be used to assign everyone to teams.) Please return the registration form by Wednesday, October 1st.

Upcoming Events
9/27 FEU Family Education Unit (10:00-12:00)
10/4 Sports Day 9:00-12:00
10/28 School Board Meeting 5:30
10/31 End of quarter
10/31 Teacher in Service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursements due
11/4-11/7 Fall Break


教育館の利用に関して: 今週教育館をお使いになった方々、ありがとうございました。次の日のための椅子の準備や掃除もとてもよくしてくださり、素晴らしかったです。

次回のFEU: 次回のFEUは9月27日(土曜日)、10:00〜12;00です。コミュニティーの原則について、また効果的なホームスクーリングの挑戦についてわかち合いたいと思います。各家庭、一年間にFEU6単位を修得する必要があることを覚えておいて下さい。今回のFEUは2単位となっています。

Eゾーン: 次回のEゾーンは9月26日です。イスラエルについて学びます。



9/27 FEU Family Education Unit(10:00-12:00)
10/4 スポーツデー(9:00-12:00)
10/28 スクールボードミーティング5:30〜
10/31 学期終了
10/31 ティーチャーズインサービス/休校
10/31 仮払い精算書提出期限日
11/4-11/7 秋休み

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