Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 5, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Our school day starts at 8:30. Give your student a great start to the day by arriving on time each morning. (Recommended time of arrival is 8:20.)

Mr. Stewart has chosen a theme for the coming months. “Train Yourself to be Godly.” Hear more about it at the upcoming community meeting.

Community Meeting: Our next Community Meeting will be on Saturday (9/06). All families are strongly encouraged to attend. (10:00-12:00)

Swimming: The elementary students will be going swimming next Tuesday for PE.

E-Zone: Our next E-Zone will be on September 19, 2008. Do you know someone who may be interested in E-Zone? The school board has approved the following guidelines for students outside of CCSI to attend E-Zone.(The fee for participating in E-Zone has been set at 1000 yen per child per week. Families must sign up in advance of each quarter to participate in E-Zone for that quarter. Most quarters will have 6-7 E-Zone days.) Next quarters sign-up deadline will be Friday, September 12, 2008.

Orange Cards: Students will no longer be bringing home orange cards as a means to inform parents of problems at school. Starting next week, the school will contact the parents directly. This change is meant to encourage communication between the home and school, as well as, to aid students in correcting problems in a timely and effective manner. (Note: Parents who are called several times for the same problem, will be asked to attend an in-school meeting.)

Dress Code: Students may wear any solid color polo shirt with khaki, blue, or black shorts, pants, skirt or skort. Cold weather attire: Any solid color long sleeved polo shirt, solid color sweater, or solid color fleece may be worn. (PE: T-shirt and athletic shorts or pants. Running shoes.)

Reimbursements: Reimbursements are due at the end of each quarter. The school will send a reminder on the eight week of each quarter. Any receipts not submitted to the school by the end of the quarter will be considered a donation

to the school. (The next reimbursements deadline is 10/31/2008)

Upcoming Events

9/6 Community Meeting 10:00~12:00

9/27 FEU Family Education Unit

10/4 Sports Day 9:00-12:00



スチュワート先生は“神に似たものとされるための訓練″を今年のテーマとして選びました。詳しくはコミュニテー ミーティングでお聞きください。

コミュニティー ミーティング:次回のコミュニティー ミーティングは9月6日土曜日です。全家族の参加を強くお勧めします。(10:00-12:00)



オレンジ カード:学校からのお知らせとして用いていたオレンジカードを今後、生徒に渡さないこととなりました。来週より、学校から直接、生徒のご両親と連絡をとります。この変更により、学校とご家庭とのコミュニケーションがより良いものとなればと思っております。また、生徒達の問題もその随時、解決することができればと思っております。(何度も同じ問題で連絡があった場合、ご両親に学校に来ていただくこともあります。)

ドレス コード:生徒は、単色のポロシャツにカーキ、紺、または黒の半ズボン、長ズボン、スカート、キュロットの着用が認められています。 寒い季節:単色の長袖ポロシャツ、単色のセーター、単色のフリースを着てください。(体育:Tシャツ、運動用の短パンまたはズボン。運動靴。)



9/6 コミュニティー ミーティング 10:00~12:00
9/27 FEU Family Education Unit

10/4 スポーツ デー

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