Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 23, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Field Trip: October 24, 2008
In order to streamline our travel to Chiba Qiball, we are asking all students to meet at Honda station at 8:30. Also, please note that we will be dismissing the students from the school building at 3:30, and not from Honda station. (Mr. Dingle’s class will be returning after lunch for Japanese class and the tennis tournament.)

Tennis Tournament: The final match this Friday will be between Andrew and Kevin.  We will start with a consolation first round match between Jonathan and Maika.  So the finals should start just before 4pm.  We will play a regulation regular set (first to 6 with a 2 game advantage).  The final consolation match will follow.
Coach Daniel asks that Parents please come out and support our awesome tennis players!
Pick-up Time: Pick-up time in 3:30. If you are not available to pick-up your child at 3:30, please make other arrangements for their care.

FEU: The November FEU that was scheduled for 11/08 has been moved to 11/15.

Odori: November 08, 2008
There has been a scheduling change to the Odori festival. The students from CCSI were to perform at 11:30. Their time has been changed to 1:30.

Happy Birthday Mr. Stewart! (10/24)

Tuesday Devotional Leader: (10/28)
Hirohashi Family

Upcoming Events
10/24 Qiball
10/28 School Board Meeting 5:30
10/31 Teacher in Service/ No school
10/31 Reimbursements due
11/4-11/7 Fall Break
11/13 Report Cards
11/15 FEU

CCSI ご家族の皆様

社会科見学:10月24日(金)千葉にあるQiball (きぼーる)へ行く際、 千葉への移動時間を効率よくする為、全校生徒は誉田駅に8:30に集合して下さい。 また、解散は誉田駅ではなく、教育館にて解散ですのでお間違えのないよう、お願いいたします。(ディングル先生のクラスは日本語とテニスのクラスのため、昼食後学校へ戻ります。)

テニス トーナメント:今週の金曜日にアンドリュー先生とケビンによる決勝戦が行なわれます。その前にジョナサンとマイカによる3位決定戦が行なわれます。よって、決勝戦は4時少し前に始まると思います。通常の試合ルールに沿って、ゲームを進めて行きます。







10/24 Qiballきぼーる
10/28 スクールボードミーティング5:30
10/31 学期終了/ティーチャーズインサービス/休校
10/31 仮払い精算書提出期限日
11/4-11/7 秋休み
11/13 成績表
11/15 FEU

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