Friday, May 23, 2008


Dear Family and Friends,
This Saturday we are having a Parent Cleaning Day.  There are many jobs and projects that need to be completed and we need as much help as possible.  Please let us know if you will be unable to attend.
We are still looking for people to help with the Talent Show, please let us know if you can help in any way.

Last week the E-Zone students learned about Mexico.  The students made sombreros and churros, which the whole school enjoyed!  We also prayed for Mexico and learned about the country during morning devotions.  This week's country for E-Zone is Bangladesh.

Do you know someone who may be interested in E-Zone?  The school board has approved the following guidelines for students outside of CCSI to attend E-Zone.  (The fee for participating in E-Zone has been set at 1000 yen per child per week. Families must sign up in advance of each quarter to participate in E-Zone for that quarter. Most quarters will have 6-7 E-Zone days.) Next quarter's sign-up deadline will be Friday, September 5, 2008.

 Looking Ahead:  We are currently planning CCSI's  September schedule and are once again looking for volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering to teach a subject at the school or to be a classroom helper, please contact the school.  If you are currently volunteering at the school and are interested/able to continue in the Fall, please let the school know as soon as possible.  Please note that families whose children are enrolled full time at the school can receive a discount for volunteering to teach a class.

 Upcoming Events

5/24 Deadline for talent show sign-up.
5/24 Parent Cleaning Day (9:00-12:00)
5/30-31 CheaJapan Conference.
Tedd Tripp, the author of "Shepherding a Child's Heart," will be the main speaker. (You can also receive 2 FEU credit hours for attending this conference.) If you are interested in the conference, please pick up a flyer from the CCSI office.
6/7 SAT testing in Tokyo
6/7 Talent Show (7-9pm)
6/12 End of Fourth Quarter
6/13 Teacher In-Service Day (No school)
6/17-7/10 Japanese Language Track Summer Session


CCSI Administration Team
CCSI ご家族の皆様

今週の土曜日はペアレント クリーニングデーです。大掛かりな清掃や片付けがあり、多くの方々の手伝いが必要です。出席できない方はご連絡ください。



来学期に向けて: 来学期9月からの予定を計画し始めています。今学期同様、ボランティアの方を必要としています。教科を教えるボランティア、または各教室のヘルパーとしてのご奉仕に関心のある方は、学校までご連絡ください。今学期にお手伝いをして頂いている方で、続けて来学期もご奉仕可能な方も、できるだけ早くその旨をお知らせ下さい。ボランティアで教科を教えていただくと、お子様の授業料が割引になります。


5月24日(土) タレントショー 申し込み締め切り
5月24日(土) ペアレント・クリーニングデー(9~12時)
5月30日(金)-5月31日(土) チアにっぽんコンベンション
「親と子のコミュニケーション~Shepherding a Child's Heart~」の著者であるテッド・トリップ氏がメイン・スピーカーです(このコンベンションに参加するとFEU2単位になります)コンベンションに興味がある方は、CCSIオフィスに案内がありますのでどうぞお持ち下さい。  
6月7日(土) SAT試験–東京
6月7日(土) タレント・ショー(19時~21時)
6月12日(木) 英語部4学期終業日
6月13日(金) ティーチャーズインサービスデー(休校)
6月17日~7月10日 日本語部サマーセッション

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