Thursday, April 17, 2008

CCSI Newsletter - CCSI ニュースレター April 18

Dear CCSI families,

The entrance ceremony went very well and Dan Iverson's talk reminded us all why CCSI was founded and how God makes all things possible. The teachers would like to thank everyone who helped with the event. Also, we offer a special thanks to the parents, Yoji for organizing the event, and Mrs. Iverson for all her help.

Upcoming FEUs:

There is a scheduled FEU for Saturday, May 10. Also, The CheaJapan (Church and Homeschooling Association) Conference will be held on May 30 and 31. Tedd Tripp, the author of “Shepherding a Child's Heart,” will be the main speaker. (You can also receive 2 credit hours for attending this conference.) If you are interested in the conference, please pick up a flyer from the CCSI office.

The Talent Show is coming soon! This year's talent show is on Saturday, June 7th (7 PM - 9 PM). We hope to share with the entire school community how the Lord has blessed us with many talents. The deadline for talent show sign-up is Saturday, May 24, 2008. Please be thinking about what your family would like to perform. Please be looking for further details in the Newsletter and on the website. We need parent volunteers to help with the talent show. Sign-up sheet is in the office.

There will be no E-zone this Friday (4/18)

Next Wednesday, April 23, there will be a special lunch at CCSI with the Keiyo Team and 180 degrees, a singing group from the Philippians. CCSI students do not need to bring lunch on this day as lunch will be provided.

Upcoming Events

Report cards will be sent home on Thursday (4/24).
There is a teacher's inservice day on April 25th and there will be no school.

For Golden Week there is no school April 29th and May 6th, as these days are national holidays.
Please note that there is no E-Zone until May 9th.
FEU at Kyoikukan: May 10th (10:00-12:00)
Saturday, May 24th is a parent cleaning day. (9:00-12:00)

CCSI Administration Team

FEUは5月10日(土)に行われます。また、チア・にっぽんのコンベンションが5月30日~31日に開かれます。「親と子のコミュニケーション~Shepherding a Child's Heart~」の著者であるテッド・トリップ氏がメイン・スピーカーです(このコンベンションに参加すると、FEU2単位となります)。コンベンションに興味がある方は、CCSIオフィスに案内がありますのでどうぞお持ちください。
もうすぐタレント・ショーが開催されます!今年のタレント・ショーは6月7日 (19時~21時)(土)です。主から与えられている多くの賜物を、皆さんと一緒に分かち合いできるようにと願っています。タレント・ショーのサインアップ締め切りは2008年5月24日(土)です。ご家族でできる楽しいパフォーマンスをぜひ考えてみてください。詳細はニュースレターまたはウェブサイトでご確認ください。タレント・ショーの準備、お手伝いをして下さるペアレント・ボランティアを募集しています。オフィスにサインアップシートがあります。


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